Musings of the Can(tan)cerous Kind … (sic)

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Archive for the month “February, 2014”


When I first started this blog, it was named ‘Musings of the Cancerous Kind’ and my posts were all related to breast cancer and me.  It was started as a journal and a form of catharsis. Along the way, I started thinking of other things I could blog about, things that were of interest to me and, since it is cynical ol’ me, a good bitch and moan about what is wrong with the way things are.

I have always felt a certain kinship with Victor Meldrew and actually found the sitcom funny which is rare for me. For those of you NOT in the know, he was a character in a British comedy called One Foot In The Grave .  Not that I have ever ended up buried in my own backyard, more that I identify with his rants and rages at modern life.

I felt that in keeping with the cancerous, I would also be cantankerous. After all, I had no choice in the former and occasionally enjoy being the latter.

Expect Cantankeration to begin soon. Yes, it is a word. I am an English teacher, you have to believe me.

Be careful what you wish for …

At some point, most women probably wish for an end to periods! We also often wish for bodily changes to take place as few are happy with their shape – it is something we kind of have to grow into.

At the moment, I have no menstrual cycle and am not really sure when the whole shebang might start again. Chemotherapy has had an impact as will some of the other medication that I need to take.  To make matters worse, the tablets I take once the chemotherapy cycle is complete will send my body into premature menopause, with all the resultant hormonal issues thereof!

I have even had a boob job – not quite the one I often envisaged though. Be careful what you wish for …

I spent the first ten years of my menstrual life suffering quite severe pains and heavy bleeding. Even though this hasn’t been the case for nigh on fifteen years, I still dread ‘that time of the month’  – a bit like Pavlov’s dog, I guess.  The obvious solution, or so it seemed, was to go on the pill as soon as I could. This mitigated the symptoms enough for me to live a relatively normal life with only a couple of days a month of nightmare pain, including occasional migraines.

Having started my periods at age twelve, I was initially quite blase about the whole ‘becoming a woman’ thing.  I was lucky in that my cycle was almost immediately quite regular but unlucky in that bleeding often lasted up to ten days. Just what every thirteen or fourteen year old wants! I started on the pill at aged sixteen and continued to take various types of pill for nigh on twenty years to prevent the menstrual cramps, sickness and heavy bleeding that I suffered through each month.

I tried different types of pill, even those that completely stop the menstrual cycle but had regular breakthrough bleeding and had to stop. I read any government warnings about increased risks of various side effects and discussed them with my doctors and changed pill as appropriate. I even had a couple of breaks from taking the pill in my twenties due to these warnings. I thought about having an implant but it seemed that there were more risk factors and I was using the pill to control the menstrual bleeding and pain, rather than as a preventative.

Why regale you with my menstrual history? Well, one notable factor in my type of breast cancer, at my age, is a history like mine. Breast cancer is far more common in post-menopausal women.  In other words, I have had too much prolonged exposure to a natural female hormone – oestrogen – and this is one of the factors that probably caused my breast cancer.  Since I have never had children the oestrogen production has never been interrupted, plus I used the pill for such a long time.

Before anyone reading this without kids goes out to get themselves pregnant, these are only the currently known factors that increase your risk of developing breast cancer, or at least one type of breast cancer.  My ramblings come down to this: if your menstrual cycle started early, was extremely heavy, you have been taking the pill for extended periods of time and you don’t have kids then check your breasts regularly even if you are only in your late twenties/early thirties. These are all known risk factors – who knew that having a baby might be good for your health?


I may be a little behind the times as this #NekNomination craze only came to my attention recently, immediately followed by this amazing South African who made a plan to change the world. As someone who has never really understood the drinking game thing, this is the kind of nomination I would love to see catch on instead.

Brent Lindeque

Neknomination, a new social media drinking game, has completely gone viral & is rapidly gaining popularity all over the world… including in Sunny South Africa, but for most, the buzzword might still look like a randomly trending hashtag so since its Phuza Thursday, I decided to give the unaware a little breakdown.


It’s a social extreme drinking game consisting of challengers downing alcoholic drinks in bizarre, unique and potentially dangerous ways, & then posting the “selfie” videos online. After completing a #NekNomination, you then get to nominate the next players to outdo what you’ve just done.

The craze seems to have originated in Australia early this month but has quickly become a global trend, with the Facebook site “The Best Neknominate Video’s” attracting 196,000 likes since its launch on January 7.

Majority of the drinking stunts are quite harmless… downing a beer or two while on a spinning bike or…

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